openSUSE 11.2 RC and NVidia Drivers

Downloaded the Nvidia linux driver for my Nvidia 8800GT.

Can only install it without X loaded so did a:

init 3

when running the NVidia***.sh file, it complains that it can't compile a kernel so did the following

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig
make prepare
zypper in linux-kernel-headers kernel-syms module-init-tools make gcc
sh -q

Followed the prompts until it completed.

Lastly did a:
sax2 -r m 0=nvidia
init 5

All of the above commands were run as root!

For some reason, desktop effects in kwin under KDE4 are not working yet. Gnome + Compiz is accelerated, wobbly and pretty as all hell! Need to fix the kde4 kwin bling as I prefer Kde4 to Gnome current versions.


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