Linux Thoughts

For most of what I need to do in Linux, the current releases of openSUSE 11.2 meets my needs. I have a number of hardware issues related to poor driver support from the manufacturers which makes my current setup 99% of what I want it to be. More specifically, my Canon Pixma ip5200 printer whose support is okay for normal printing, but for cd label printing, which is my primary need, its pretty poor.

In the last 2 weeks, I also read some posts from linux users who are considering moving to OSX and was amazed (although not surprised) at the hostile reaction there posts caused. So much for a community spirit.

When a linux user criticises linux, its not always about bashing developers and their hard work. Its about recognising where we need to improve and to suggest ways forward. Its crazy to think that Linux is ready for everyone and all use cases, because quite simply, it isn't. If you have a relative that's hooked on Sims 3, Windows (or OSX) are better platforms for that use case. End of story. No debate necessary. If WOW is your thing, its probably still better to use a platform other that linux + wine due to the add on utils and supplementary software that most WOW users use WHILE playing the game. However, most linux users will tell you how much better WOW is on Wine.

This negativity got me looking at installing Snow Leopard on my test box and what do you know? Its working.

I've bought a retail box of iLife, iWork and Snow and have installed them all. I am planning to migrate data from ext4 to something usable on mac and use it like this for a while.


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