I'm enjoying the Diamond shaped rare trade route around Altair.

I'm enjoying the Diamond shaped rare trade route around Altair.

I just tried to speed run this route.  Aggressive take off's and docking.  speeding through menu's etc.  I did the run excluding 39 Tauri in 33 minutes.  That included some slow transitions during the frame shift jumps.  1 or 2 of the jumps took > 1 minute in witschspace.   On the leg Rajukru to GeorgeP I made 610k cr and on the return leg made 510k cr.  A total of 1.12 million credits in 33 minutes.  that's bloody marvellous.


Ian Stoffberg said…
let me know if that works for you
Ian Stoffberg said…
The point of this run is speed.  You go to each place and buy rares, then leave.  You don't wait for respawns.  On Rajukru & HIP it can often spawn 20t at a time.  In about 40 minutes on a good day you will make about 1 million.  My original route was Rajukru - HIP - GeorgeP - Altair - Rajukru.  Buy rares at all, sell all at GeorgeP and Rajukru.  Currently going via 39 Tauri as well in which case you sell at 39 Tauri instead of GeorgeP.  I have programmed the 5 stops into my keyboard macros so I don't have to type in the names on the nav screen (lazy).  Also, most of the stations are near the star, except for Stasheff which is about 2500ls which is still fairly quick.  Finally, all stations can handle large docking ships.
Shane Menshik said…
what type of ship and how many tons it hold?
Ian Stoffberg said…
I had a T7 and reverted to ASP.  Couldn't land the T7 at smaller stations ;(  With the above run, you can get buy with a cobra, even.  I like the ASP for the longer jump range.  currently able to do jumps of 31LY.
Shane Menshik said…
Interesting.. Rares seem more beneficial towards smaller ships.  I have not ventured into rares territory. I have regular round-trip runs right now that I do that bring in average 70-85k per minute.

The best ship and route I had on the way to Anaconda was with a Python spec'd to just trading (no shields even), it would do a consistent 89k per minute average.  Thanks to it's speed and ability to dock at outposts.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Shane Menshik how many tons are you doing for 70-85k?
Shane Menshik said…
Ian Stoffberg  My current Anaconda is doing 400T at those rates..  The T9 was the worst because it's jump range and slow to dock ratio made it drop down in the credits per minute ratio.

The Python I don't recall what I had the cargo spec'd at but it was the max I could get it w/o shields.

Example run: 9 minutes round trip
( Included time it took from buying the goods to the time it took to come back and sell the final trip of goods)
one jump.
Profit 740431.
Credits per Minute: 82,270.11
That was with the original pre-1.2 fuel costs.

Had I known what I know now, I would have kept the python for trading, and saved up and bought an Anaconda w/o any trade in..  As it is right now, I'm saving up to buy a Python for trading again.  It's a lot harder to do when it costs so much to outfit an Anaconda.
Ian Stoffberg said…
No way I could approach those numbers in an ASP!  Grinding for my first Python ;)
Ian Stoffberg said…
Shane Menshik Currently using an ASP.  My mate does the run in a cobra.  I'm stripped down for long jumps. Doing 31.8 ly jumps depending on cargo onboard. :)
Shane Menshik said…
Ian Stoffberg yup - the initial impression you get when trading is that "Oooh I get a larger ship I can make more money".. But the truth is they do a great job of building in restrictions to make sure that's not the case.  Jump Range w/ the T9.. and then not being able to dock at outposts.
Shane Menshik said…
Miroslav Kučera no shields?
Shane Menshik said…
Miroslav Kučera can u send a http://edshipyard.com of the build?
Andi Roberts said…
I think the optimum ship for this is an Asp. This setup is what I have. It give 31ly with 56t of cargo: http://www.edshipyard.com/#/L=60g,,2-4s6u7_6u3I8S6k,52M08c7Pc05U05U03w03w
Ben Daluz said…
I have been enjoying this route too but doing the extended one
Ian Stoffberg said…
Wow. It still works?? I wonder what it would be like doing in an engineered ASP!
Ben Daluz said…
Yeah I'm wondering that too

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