Kaushpoos Trading CG Update

Kaushpoos Trading CG Update
Just went from Top40 to Top15. Delivered 448 tons to bring total to 3584. Crossover point somewhere in there....

Might have do another thousand to be safe in top15.


Michael Birke said…
And if you help tip it over to the next tier your reward will be even better and everyone gets a better station! :)
Ian Stoffberg said…
Its sooooo close. Hang on a moment...  I think its over ! 12mil for top15!
Ian Stoffberg said…
So I'm exiting the game with 50 minutes left and 4400 tons contributed. Will log in in an hour to see if I made the top15. Create some artificial suspense... THEN I will be able to go back to Fallout4. Sadly ignored this past week. Looks like for the duration of these 2 Kaushpoos CG's, I would have earned about 57mil cr excluding the profits on the trade.
Andrew Prinster said…
57 mil? Way to make bank!!!
Ian Stoffberg said…
Andrew Prinster itching to buy a fed corvette. Prepping for that.

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