I hope that some of the unhappy people in the Debian community take a moment to reflect on the ideals and values of...

I hope that some of the unhappy people in the Debian community take a moment to reflect on the ideals and values of their community and honour the contribution / life of Ian Murdock. and strengthen their project and end all the feudal bickering.


Karl Neubauer said…
Yup; It's what keeps Windows 10 (excuse the pun) years ahead...........
Ian Stoffberg said…
on the desktop in terms of numbers only. you're a moron if you think its in any way superior from a technical point of view. its so far behind in numbers in servers, embedded, mobile, cloud, IOT that windows isn't even an option.  thankfully though.  I realise you are needling me.  happy new year you f%^$^ w^&##*.
Karl Neubauer said…
Do you play Elite on Linux? Let me take a wild stab.....................

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