Jay looks exhausted after helping me tame my first Therezinosaurus (Clawmander).

Jay looks exhausted after helping me tame my first Therezinosaurus (Clawmander). He also parked his Quetzal and Ankylosaurus there for a couple of hours.

I was amazed to learn how effective these things are at gathering minerals & resources. Damn! Thanks to Jay's Quetzal, I managed to regain all the metal I lost last week (200t) and more. In fact, with all the ingots refined, I now have a full metal jacket (suit).

Thanks Jay. Can't wait to get back into the game.


Jay Force said…
1000+ metal Ingot in 20 minutes makes a man tired
Jay Force said…
going to have to build some walls on the Quetz. Almost lost the Anklyo and Ian flying out of a volcano crater :D
Grats guys, thats a ton a metal, well 200 :)

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