Destiny 2 Pre-order or Ghost Recon Wildlands?

Destiny 2 Pre-order or Ghost Recon Wildlands?

Looking to buy one or the other.

The latter is on special on steam. If Wildlands, then is it worth getting the Full Package with Season Pass? I enjoyed Destiny on PS4 and The Division on PC, so still undecided...

(Downloading Steam Version for Free Weekend)


Ronan Young said…
I've really enjoyed wildlands, but I've been playing ghost recon since it came out so I'm probably not the best person to ask. I've not played destiny because it's not really my thing.
Ian Stoffberg said…
I started downloading it at midnight and it'll be done when I get back from work, so I should have enough time to play this weekend. Any thoughts on the DLC, Ronan?
I enjoyed Wildlands in the same way u enjoyed The Division. There is a lot to it but for me it began to feel repetitive. Still great fun online with friends. Make sure to have a really good go of it, and I mean several hours. I bought it based on a couple of hours of play but it was only around the 10 hour mark I felt the repetitive nature of it creep in.
I am looking forward to Destiny also.
I love Wildlands, and while what Good Guys Gaming says is true about repetition, that is technically true about literally every game. It isn't so much a problem that a game becomes repetitive, the question is, does it remain fun despite that. For me Wildlands did, that might not be the same for everyone though.
Ronan Young said…
Ian Stoffberg​ I managed to pick up the season pass cheap a while back. The game play in one of the two dlc's is like GTA ..... Not my thing but a bit of fun. The second one is much like the first except more difficult and exciting. You're basically the focus of a man hunt
Ian Stoffberg said…
Think I'll pick up the base game and start saving for destiny 2.
Just got my Destiny 2 key. YAY!

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