Starting again in Ark is hard after a long time.

Starting again in Ark is hard after a long time. The game seems less rough than I remember. Managed to find Apex on Max Acceleration server. Started a new tribe. Trying to drop a bed near a ton of metal.


Dennis Wronka said…
I quickly found Apex as well. Joined the gang and got busy.
I'm sure Max Acceleration has a great camp going just like in our rented server :)
Dennis Wronka said…
Right now we make do with that little platform on the right side of the shot. No idea if Max already has something bigger going on. If he does, might make sense to try to relocate.
I have a few buildings and such in the Center! I'm also building waystations that will have supplies for anyone wandering by. You will love the Center!
Ian Stoffberg said…
Max Acceleration you need to absorb us into your tribe probably
Dennis Wronka said…
Are you far from the top right corner of the map, Max Acceleration ? Relocating might end up quite an adventure if you are.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Will b online in an hour. Can't wait.
Dennis Wronka said…
Please try if you can give commands to the dinos, and see if they're hungry. The Dillo eats meat, the others are happy with berries.
Will make a supply drop at your location when I get home tonight. If you happen by my beech base feel free to raid any boxes of armor & weapons you run across. That’s what their for.
Dennis Wronka said…
I'm gonna see that I'll be working towards a raft and getting the Parasaur a saddle. I found those two things really helpful.

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