Is there a post summarising the Felicia Winters attempted expansion into LTT 4961.

Is there a post summarising the Felicia Winters attempted expansion into LTT 4961. I was a dumb grunt in the fight. Don't really understand the nuances of the alliances forged and the coordinated response. Would hate to see it forgotten. Newer players might find it interesting. If I think of the teamspeak chats on Suzie's server that must have some fun strategising and negotiating on it.


Ian Norton said…
I wrote some news about it, a big series
Ian Stoffberg said…
Loved the reporting style. Good memories. Found some of the reddit posts. Good reading.
Ian Norton said…
There may be more on other places, one of mine was a guest article
Ian Norton said…
I just watched the video where The Librarian escaped with 3% hull! Brilliant times
Ian Stoffberg said…
We could have chosen a more obscure bit of space for our initial base, but of the 3 places initially proposed, everybody loved LTT 4961. Scenic, lots of kit around, proximity to interesting places, etc. outsidefactor had concerns, but also a massive hole in his internet connectivity so was largely silent during the voting as I recall. I seem to remember him mentioning we should be a bit more out of the way, but, given the choices, it has made the game more interesting for us all...
ollie clark said…
Ian Stoffberg outside factor did warn us about the location but proximity of RESes to the station, the station to the star, the system to other interesting places etc. overrode his concerns for most people. Somewhere more out of the way would have been more peaceful but at the same time, we'd have never had the battle of DR Crucis, or forged such a strong alliance with Mahon and AOS without being stomped on by the Feds.

It turned out OK when there were lots of people supporting NULL. Now though, it's making it near impossible to even keep the home system.

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