I screengrabbed my stats pages to answer the following question.

I screengrabbed my stats pages to answer the following question.
Does the reward for a Trading CG count towards your Trade Ranking. Would be good to know. I know I can ask you fine people, but seeing for myself would be satisfying in its own way.


Michael Birke said…
No. So far no CG added a value to trade volume/profit or smuggling, as far as I can tell it didn't influence any shown statistic at all.
Eric Barton said…
In my experience, the profits made from the trades do count but, the CG rewards do not.
Martin Chalk said…
The profit on what you haul counts towards your trading rank, but the CG payout doesn't count.
Just so you know, mining profits also count towards your trading tank. That is pure profit as well.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Verified by my stats tonight. No big jump. Oh well.

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