Processing Exchange 2010 Message Tracking Log files with Python
So my day job includes doing some work on MS Exchange 2010. I'm a stats guy and like digging in the log files to get details on the systems I work with. I was asked to pull some stats out of Exchange and went straight into the Message Tracking logs. By the unwritten laws of loggiles you will get a ton of information, some of which you don't need. I identified the fields important to me and wrote this python script to parse a folder full of log files into a summarised set of .csv files that you can process further. In my test case, I copy the log files from 4 production servers into a dev box and then run the script there. This way there is a minimal performance / disk impact to the production users. I am *NOT* a python programmer so make fun of the code if you wish, I won't be offended. This script is basically a product of much googling and reading of # parse Exchange 2010 MessageTracker Log Files # (c) Ian Stoffberg # 0) make fo...