
Showing posts from November, 2015

Why I prefer Steam.

Why I prefer Steam. Number 99109209. Started to download Elite Dangerous 2 Beta 12 hours ago. Sitting at less than 400mb this morning. Current ETA 9days if it doesn't crash again. The installer just gives up after 5 minutes. In Steam, I would be sitting on 800kb/s. Oh hang on. MUCH FASTER. Only 6 days to go now...

Well done Incredible Connection. Show us those Black Friday savings! #BlackFridayBargainNOT

Well done Incredible Connection. Show us those Black Friday savings! #BlackFridayBargainNOT

WOW. Loving the F.A.S.

WOW. Loving the F.A.S. Just did 3.5mil in what seems like less than an hour. Or it could be a case of time flies when you're having fun. Was planning on adding a FDL to the stable after the 1.5 buffs, but this is an excellent interim choice. The HAZ RES at LTT 4961 is particularly generous today. Clippers abound. Quite a few high value Anaconda's too.

Let's try out my new Federal Assault Ship...

Let's try out my new Federal Assault Ship...

Random moment.

Random moment. Watched a clip of Adele pranking some of her fans. I'm not even a fan. Watched it for a giggle and ended up in tears. So strange.

I screengrabbed my stats pages to answer the following question.

I screengrabbed my stats pages to answer the following question. Does the reward for a Trading CG count towards your Trade Ranking. Would be good to know. I know I can ask you fine people, but seeing for myself would be satisfying in its own way.

Kaushpoos Trading CG Update

Kaushpoos Trading CG Update Just went from Top40 to Top15. Delivered 448 tons to bring total to 3584. Crossover point somewhere in there.... Might have do another thousand to be safe in top15.

For those doing the Clear the Shipping Lanes CG at Kaushpoos, the Top 5% mark is currently around 20 milcr. Crossed...

For those doing the Clear the Shipping Lanes CG at Kaushpoos, the Top 5% mark is currently around 20 milcr.  Crossed over from 18 to 21 and just hit it.  Expect I will need to do another 3mil cr for tonight b4 I give up for today.