
Showing posts from February, 2014

Replacing my last Ubuntu server with fedora 20.

Replacing my last Ubuntu server with fedora 20. Trying net install for the first time. Looks good so far. Maybe I should have put a sleep 3h command into my other server before I did a wget of knoppix. Oh well. 26 Celsius and its 10pm in Cape Town. Gplus relaxing in a deck chair next to the pool. Life is good. #notwinter #whatsapolarvortex #fedora
Both Ice hockey Gold medals. Well done team Canada.
Ok Danie van der Merwe going to try #telegram.
Well done Finland. #sochi
Wow. What a game. Just caught the result. Congrats to the gold medal winner. #sochi #icehockey #no spoilers

Fantastic final 3 minutes for team Canada at Sochi in ice hockey gold medal game.

Fantastic final 3 minutes for team Canada at Sochi in ice hockey gold medal game. Extra time and I need to head to the airport. Aaargh
Removed my Viber account as well. #enjoythesilence
So long #WhatsApp . It was fun while it lasted. #nothankstofacebook. My account has been deleted

I reached 1800m in volcano. Not a record but frustratingly close to fuel. Pixels

I reached 1800m in volcano. Not a record but frustratingly close to fuel. Pixels