The 2.X season of ED has just been a mixed experience for me. I cannot tell you how wonderful Planetary Landing has been for me and I think it has made a massive contribution to my enjoyment of the game. I am not excited by any of the promised features as part of 2.x (including Engineer), and I am currently hoping that 3.0 brings something similar to Landings. I don't expect to land on Atmospheric planets yet, but I hope they model water worlds and possibly gas giants which would lead to some more exciting gameplay options. Currently what bugs me about the current status of the game is the balance of realism versus the intrusion of gameplay limitations. The attention to detail with regard to physics and scale is awesome, but we have little gameplay "features" that aren't grounded in anything realistic. I understand certain things like external camera views are not considered realistic, but how about explaining that with programmable drone cams. Or have cameras...