Life with openSUSE

After about 6 weeks of using openSUSE 11, I must say I am pleasantly surprised. I would have thought by now that I would have given up and gone back to Ubuntu, but so far, my laptop and work machine remains firmly in the SUSE camp. I do think part of it is that Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron appears to be a bit of a dog. Many people have had minor issues with it on their machines after installing / upgrading from previous versions of Ubuntu. I thought it was just me. I guess that they should not have used technologies like PulseAudio in a LTS release, but who am I to judge.

In some other news, I picked up another pc second hand which had XP media center edition installed. I installed mythbuntu on it as the machine had a Hauppage tv card installed, but apparently the card is not well supported under linux so it went back to being a Windows machine. It was weird installing Windows for the first time in a long while and the irritation of finding and installing patches and antivirus reminded me why I've left it behind. That said, the one and only Macbook in the family running MacOSX Leopard is developing a loyal and devoted fanbase with the rest of the family. I've given it a try and it seems solid, if a little limited compared to a linux desktop. Possibly I need to see how to add a repository for some OSS and see if that makes it more interesting. For now, I prefer my SUSE boxes, but I can see the attraction. It is fairly easy to use and the applications / gui's are neat, functional and more consistent than any linux distro I've used.


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