If you, like me, had an Apple TV3 lying unused in a Box due its limited feature set, rejoice!

If you, like me, had an Apple TV3 lying unused in a Box due its limited feature set, rejoice!


The GitHub site where the file is hosted mentions Windows & OSX Instructions.  I got it working on Ubuntu without too much effort.  Just need to spend more time making it work as a service.  Maybe somebody can help me out there.   Rough notes on my blog http://istoff.blogspot.com/

Being able to use the ATV3 to view my Ubuntu hosted Plex Library is just awesome!


eric j scott said…
how does this compare to running Plex on a Ipad 3 is it better?
Ian Stoffberg said…
It's better if you want to watch on the actual TV. Using the ipad you would need to use airplay to achieve the same thing
eric j scott said…
I use the IPad, as you would a ATV.
Its connected to the TV re connectors.
Netflix and Plex are my prime entertainment App's.


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