Strange the trips Youtube can take you on.

Strange the trips Youtube can take you on.  After the Ebay password leak I was annoyed and changed a bunch of passwords.  After an hour of this I recalled a Chris Rock rant where he says "tired, tired, tired of this sh*t."  I wanted to find the context, but it turned out it was a clip that some people could be offended by, so I left it. It is hilarious, btw.  Anyway, that lead me to Dave Chapelle and I remembered his black klan character and I was so far off the passwords thing, watching Dave & Chris being awesome.  One of the clips linked was to this story about rascism, tolerance set in America.  While I deplore these staged experiments and I know they are deeply flawed, I still watched the whole thing.  I found it an excellent reminder of how good people can be, how ignorant others are, and how some just don't want to get involved.   Due to the editing, I'm pretty sure that many of the people shown came off in worse light than they should, but the people who made a positive impression blew me away.  I'd like to think most of us are in the more tolerant camp and I hope we are winning.
I grew up as a non-white person in an apartheid South Africa and this sort of discriminatory treatment would just not be tolerated where I live and work.


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