I'm enjoying the Diamond shaped rare trade route around Altair.
I'm enjoying the Diamond shaped rare trade route around Altair.
I just tried to speed run this route. Aggressive take off's and docking. speeding through menu's etc. I did the run excluding 39 Tauri in 33 minutes. That included some slow transitions during the frame shift jumps. 1 or 2 of the jumps took > 1 minute in witschspace. On the leg Rajukru to GeorgeP I made 610k cr and on the return leg made 510k cr. A total of 1.12 million credits in 33 minutes. that's bloody marvellous.
I just tried to speed run this route. Aggressive take off's and docking. speeding through menu's etc. I did the run excluding 39 Tauri in 33 minutes. That included some slow transitions during the frame shift jumps. 1 or 2 of the jumps took > 1 minute in witschspace. On the leg Rajukru to GeorgeP I made 610k cr and on the return leg made 510k cr. A total of 1.12 million credits in 33 minutes. that's bloody marvellous.
The best ship and route I had on the way to Anaconda was with a Python spec'd to just trading (no shields even), it would do a consistent 89k per minute average. Thanks to it's speed and ability to dock at outposts.
The Python I don't recall what I had the cargo spec'd at but it was the max I could get it w/o shields.
Example run: 9 minutes round trip
( Included time it took from buying the goods to the time it took to come back and sell the final trip of goods)
one jump.
Profit 740431.
Credits per Minute: 82,270.11
That was with the original pre-1.2 fuel costs.
Had I known what I know now, I would have kept the python for trading, and saved up and bought an Anaconda w/o any trade in.. As it is right now, I'm saving up to buy a Python for trading again. It's a lot harder to do when it costs so much to outfit an Anaconda.