Nice 2 Million per hour ASP Rare Trading Tip

Nice 2 Million per hour ASP Rare Trading Tip

I'd hate to call it a route as:
a) It's not a route.  Tanmark to Leesti & back is not a route
b) It didn't take much thought and I know it can be optimised.

So you typically get 35 Onion Head + a handful of the other rare.  They will typically net you about 600k cr at Leesti.

You will get about 15t or more at Leesti which will net you a variable amount, but could get your trip profit to about 700k cr for the round trip.  I can do it in about 18 minutes give or take as long as my approaches don't overrun too much and my docking goes smoothly.

Leesti is Alliance and so far I haven't been scanned for illegals, so no fines as yet. 

With my ASP it's 7 jumps to Leesti and 6 jumps back (cargo differences).  This route could be optimised by finding a better station one jump less in either direction.  Somebody please help if you have a better one.  Also, this can be done in a Cobra as you won't need more than 48 t cargo typically.   My ASP does a few 31ly jumps during this run.  If I sell my shield I could probably squeeze the jump range a bit more slightly, but I'm happy.

There is an alternative route where you substitute Leesti for HIP 80364, but Stasheff is > 2400ls away vs the much shorter distance to George Lucas in Leesti.

This run is all about speed, so I tend to favour Leesti.

I know this route is obvious to many of you, but decided to post anyway as a 2mil / hour route is never a bad thing!


Ian Norton said…
Bet you 100cr you are not in open ;) I used to run the same route. It isn't quite so good when you factor on a rebuy every other time you arrive at Leesti
I'm amazed Onionhead is dropping in such large quantities. Surely that can't last?
Ian Norton said…
It's from the Tanmark anti piracy community goal thing
Ian Stoffberg said…
Ian Norton yep. Almost never play solo due to idiots crashing into me during docking and hogging bays
Ian Stoffberg said…
Justin Hamilton I spent several evenings getting docking request denied over and over.  That was pre 1.1 though...
Ian Norton said…
I find George Lucas is fine. I only manage to get there half of the time without being interdicted by half a dozen pirates in clippers making out they are from C.O.D.E or TheCode or whatever. Occasionally they just shoot at me.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Chris Dibben its about speed.  time taken waiting for rares to respawn or for jumping to surrounding systems needs to be balanced against the certainty of the profit from tanmark coming back. this run is all about money per hour in a relatively affordable setup.  i used this to grind my asp into a python from 48 to 63 mil in sessions this weekend.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Ian Norton how would 2x Vultures with 2x Large beam lasers do in that situation ??

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