I don't think this has been posted before. Saw it on Frontiers twitter.

I don't think this has been posted before.  Saw it on Frontiers twitter.
Hope it makes it easier to choose a Power to pledge to.

Credit where credit is due to :
Design & Layout by: Cmdr. Barking_Mad
Powerplay Text: Taken from Frontier Powerplay Guide
Powerplay Images - Courtesy of Frontier Developments
Faction & Power History: Cmdr. Caylo Tavira
Power Grids: Cmdr. Weylon
Power Vector Graphics: Cmdr. SpyTec
Powerflow Chart: Cmdr.. Barking_Mad,  jk2l , Cmdr. JohnCasey
Cover Photo: Unknown


Ian Stoffberg said…
No problem.  I have been lacking in adding more people from the spreadsheet.  Decided to prioritise based on who was online ;)  I haven't spent much time on the TS server, but must come and say hello more often.  Not sure of the protocol,etc, but I'll lurk 'til I figure it out.  I expect most of you don't bite!
Ian Stoffberg said…
I'm guessing due to the original elite being british, most of the players are in the UK/Europe timezones which is totally fine with me in South Africa.  I managed to chat to a CMDR in his Vulture a few nights ago and turned out he was in Colorado, logging in early to play with his son who is working in the UK at the moment.  He'd never played with any strangers before and I spent an hour in a RES answering his questions over TS and generally trying not to be the bastard in the anaconda who spoils the game out of spite.   This is the only game I've played in the last 10 years where the community seems to be made up of "decent folk".  That said, I'm probably mostly influenced by what I read on G+. Anyway, off to park for the night.  The station commander has switched on the warning lights. #shewhomustbeobeyed
Ian Stoffberg said…
I'm not going to be able to sleep.  Why BEAMS?  Pulses are so destructive and cheap (140k) !  Target assist, but not autofire...
Ian Stoffberg said…
Suzanne P I used to have 2 x 19mil beams but switched to 4 x 140k pulses. I find I can fire 4 continually with 4 pips to wep with a a8 power distributor in my Annie. Cheaper insurance also a nice plus. I guess everyone has their preferred weapon of choice.
Michael Birke said…
Ian Stoffberg I used 3 large pulses and 2 med beams, all gimballed. 3-4 Beams just doesn't work out at all. No matter how much people seem to "love" it.
John Warner said…
Suzanne P​ I agree those beams are killer

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