
Showing posts from December, 2015

My fave video for this time of year.

My fave video for this time of year. I discovered Reyn for his musical work on old c64 tunes and then discovered he is a decent card handler too. Do check out some of his videos if wizball parallax or green beret have any fond memories for you.

My president...

My president...

I hope that some of the unhappy people in the Debian community take a moment to reflect on the ideals and values of...

I hope that some of the unhappy people in the Debian community take a moment to reflect on the ideals and values of their community and honour the contribution / life of Ian Murdock. and strengthen their project and end all the feudal bickering. #wastedenergy

Attention to detail matters.

Attention to detail matters. Sometimes I get distracted by unimportant details when I read an article.  Case in point, this attached article about proprietary document formats versus open documents.   Note the filenames in the save dialog. #freedom

I barely touched a computer yesterday, but happy holidays and safe flying / exploring / discovering / fighting to...

I barely touched a computer yesterday, but happy holidays and safe flying / exploring / discovering / fighting to you all. It has been a pleasure being part of this community and I look forward to many more hours with you all.

Weird snapshot of our society.

Weird snapshot of our society. This happened in South Africa. I don't want to judge the contents without more info, but it started a lot of conversations. #crime #highpressure #violent #gta #sonsofanarchy

Managed to get a screenshot using Windows 10 "windows key + g" function. Submitted a crash report.

Managed to get a screenshot using Windows 10 "windows key + g" function. Submitted a crash report.


JUSTICE DENIED! I figured out why Null is not improving rank. A sly turncoat is secretly working against us. So there I was (5 minutes ago) sitting just under a million bounty credits earned for Null in when I spied a familiar name flying for the other side. I engaged him and just before killing him, my client crashed. I suspect foul play!!! See attached for proof. String him up by the yardarm I say! ;)

YouTubing videos of my hometown often shows tourist friendly venues shot by drones over beautiful beaches.

YouTubing videos of my hometown often shows tourist friendly venues shot by drones over beautiful beaches. This video shows a bit more about the friendly people I live with in less affluent neighbourhoods. Captures people like me and my family albeit with a very different taste in music. Not my kind of song, but it fits the video material beautifully. Another side of Cape Town, one that I grew up and live in.

Note to self:

Note to self: Sort out keybindings in Horizons before playing again. Accidently fired laser while docking sigh

No Spoilers post.

No Spoilers post. The new Star Wars was _________ . I _ the bit when ______________ . I was very surprised to see __________ . I_ ________ _________ the next one. _______ performance by ___ _______________ . Doesn't ____________ remind you of ____________ ? Grateful that South Africa got to see it today. Lots of people dressed up in cool costumes. Lots of side buns on display(HAIR!).

Elite Dangerous Horizons and Star Wars Force Awakens on the same day?

Elite Dangerous Horizons and Star Wars Force Awakens on the same day? Can't believe I am still so excited after the prequels. To prepare I watched Eps 1 & 2 and half of 3 (out of time). I can recommend the "No Cheese Edits". They dub alien voices for Jar Jar and the Trade Federation so some of the annoyance goes away. Made episode one much more watchable. I also recommend the "despecialised" versions of Eps 4-6. I have the bluray set but in terms of the nostalgia factor, I will probably watch these after I see ep7. Heading out in 10 minutes to the IMAX. (who said africa is just lions bush!). The only Star Wars t shirt I have that still fits is Episode 1 (shame).

Walked up to this rather friendly cat and stood above with my phone.

Walked up to this rather friendly cat and stood above with my phone. As I looked down, this model decided to pose for the camera. It's just a photo shot from a cellphone by a doofus who doesn't know the first thing about photography, but I liked the shot. Would the title TopCat be too cheesy? Photo taken at a farm stall in Swellendam, Western Cape.

Saw this at a local market. About 400 dollars. So tempted.

Saw this at a local market. About 400 dollars. So tempted.