Elite Dangerous Horizons and Star Wars Force Awakens on the same day?

Elite Dangerous Horizons and Star Wars Force Awakens on the same day?
Can't believe I am still so excited after the prequels.

To prepare I watched Eps 1 & 2 and half of 3 (out of time). I can recommend the "No Cheese Edits". They dub alien voices for Jar Jar and the Trade Federation so some of the annoyance goes away. Made episode one much more watchable.

I also recommend the "despecialised" versions of Eps 4-6. I have the bluray set but in terms of the nostalgia factor, I will probably watch these after I see ep7.

Heading out in 10 minutes to the IMAX. (who said africa is just lions bush!).

The only Star Wars t shirt I have that still fits is Episode 1 (shame).



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