To those of you who played the division.

To those of you who played the division. I am currently weapon level 204. Enjoying the incursions and underground despite not yet finishing a single incursion. Currently world level 4 and playing with 2 mates. Not a lot of dark zone experience but enjoying the end game tweaking weaponsand build. Planning to get back into elite this week if i can get my mate to actually start his elite career.

If you stopped playing the division once you hit level 30 it might be worth checking out the end game missions. You have to finish all encounters and side missions in a safe house region to unlock search and destroy which adds a little variety.


Andy Lewis said…
I played on PS4 and despite spending quite a bit of time after hitting rank 30 the cookie-cutter "raids but with a different name" endgame made me realise it was distracting me from moving on to more interesting games. I tried each incursion once and never bothered again.
Ronan Young said…
Andy Lewis much the same for me. Once I got 30 I did a few other missions and the like but quickly realised it was just more of the same and lost interest. I always enjoyed playing it with group so I'm still up for that but as a game I'm finished with it
Still up for group play and Survival mode looks very interesting.
Oh, and I still have the last (Russian Consulate?) mission to finish.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Yeah. Agree with anyone who feels its repetitive. However having great moments of shared gamepley with schoolmates I've known for far too long!
Ronan Young said…
Ian Stoffberg the best way to play any game

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