I can't recommend this highly enough. Ark is a game that on paper shouldn't be interesting to me. Open world survival, with crafting, tameable creatures and building. Yech. Yet Ark delivers an experience that is so tailor made to your personality. The types of adventures you encounter are not story driven. It just emerges as you set short term goals and constantly get distracted into new adventures. The stories write themselves and the anecdotes that arise are so good. For Elite Dangerous players, imagine you landed on a prehistoric world rich with flora/fauna, both friendly and hostile. Imagine walking away from your ship, having crashed. Imagine walking away to grab a drink of water from a nearby stream and hearing your ship explode behind you. Now what? Ark begins... I have only played the base game and have no idea how much better/worse the DLC is. Its's on sale on Steam at the moment at a ridiculous discount. 67% off where I live. http://store.steampowere...