To those of you interested in joining the current CG's around LTT 4961, here's a post about CMDR Greg, who is the person that the new station will be named after hopefully: Thank you to everybody who is chipping in on the Null CG's this week. Many of you have no idea why the new station is named after my mate Greg, so I thought I'd tell you a bit about him. Some of you are doing it for the money or your ranks, and that's great, but if you're sitting on the fence or not too bothered to join, it still might make an interesting read for a couple of minutes. I bought my Commodore 64 in 1985. I was year 10 of school and, growing up as a non-white South African, living in a relatively poor community in Apartheid South Africa, it was a miracle that I had heard of and more still, gotten interested in computers. Meeting another computer user was like winning a jackpot, but literally 12 days after getting my C64, I met Greg. Greg was a primary school teacher, had a...