Last one for the day. #thegrid #synthpop

Last one for the day. #thegrid #synthpop

This one reminds me of my Rob Hubbard / Martin Galway music history which I still indulge. For years, my ringtone is taken from Commando C64 by Rob Hubbard. This instrumental (mostly) track has the repetitive pattern based sequences that 8 bit programmers resorted to do make 10 minute long soundtracks in 4k of memory. It connects me in a very specific way with my memories of that era and encountering computers for the first time.

There is a sequence that starts at 2:38 and goes on for about half a minute that is just sublime for me. It's that thing I've always liked in music where you get to get really inside the track and hear it reinvent itself half way through. (I've cued it up with 20 seconds earlier so you can hear the track change)

It's best heard REALLY loud on a nice headset. When chatting to others I've noticed they don't really like the chiptune style repetiveness, but I guess that's the thing about not listening to music to dance to, but rather to keep you mind stimulated while coding (in my case). I think this is my version of Mozart for babies.


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