MythTV Remote Frontend Cannot Connect!

That was pretty much the biggest problem encountered this week. It reminded me of the old days when I got started with Suse Linux and couldn't find my way around forums and help pages to solve problems.

My approach to these sorts of technical challenges has also gotten rusty over the years as things have worked very consistently for the most part.

I had set myself the mission of getting mythtv working with a windows, mac, ps3, psp and linux frontend accessing the same content. The Mac and psp don't have native myth clients so they used a combination of upnp and samba for accessing. All of the connections work fine over wireless although I reckon I can't have too many of them streaming at the same time.

At any rate, my biggest challenge was getting any kind of remote access working. Most of the help texts pointed out quite correctly that I had to enable access to the mythtv mysql user from all hosts on the local subnet, but few of them reminded me to ensure that the mysqld listener was binding on the local ip address and not on, which was the case.

Once this was sorted out, it became a matter of sharing the appropriate paths over either NFS or SAMBA and ensuring that the frontends had symbolic links to ensure that the remote shares appeared to be local to the frontends. Its been pretty cool to have this content shared all over the place on multiple devices.


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