The big problem with Depeche Mode releases these days.

The big problem with Depeche Mode releases these days. This is from the Amazon UK website. "a film by Anton Corbijn". WTF? A standard def embarrassment in this age. I can't wait for this guy to let his ego go and let the music and artist shine instead of polluting the world further with his version of how concerts should be appreciated. Is it too much to ask to have the name of the band on the box instead of the visual director? #depechemode #wheresthebluray #wheresthe4K


Last one I have is Delta something
Ian Stoffberg said…
Danielle Erica Seloane couldn't be bothered to google it?
I could hardly post this message. Do you EVEN KNOW what is DATA THROTTTTTTLING??
Ian Stoffberg said…
Danielle Erica Seloane I guess it affects spell check.

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