This made my day.

This made my day. Despite the horrible postal logistics of getting an envelope from LTT 4961 to my desktop, this arrived in the mail today. I can't express how it made my day in the middle of a stressful project. I grinned stupidly as I read the sender address. It made my feel proud to be a member of this community and even more so to be able to share it with a couple of new commanders who I hope will come join us at Conway. I'm hoping that CMDR MSS0214 and BuzzLiteBeer will feel as proud as I am to be a recipient of the patches.

This act of generosity and inspirational trust in the galactic postal service is brought to you courtesy of CMDR Ian Norton. o7 is not enough.

How about a salute from a squad of cadets on a parade instead?

o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7


I still have mine also from the wonderful Ian Norton
Have 5 from the first batch (Thanks Ian!). Still need to have them sown onto our Elite shirts!
Jim Cheetham said…
Ooh, I want one!
I've just arrived at Conway City, I'll get Allied and see if that helps ...

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