So I mentioned the second pc I bought.
It currently runs a stripped down version of MythBuntu which is a version of Ubuntu tailored for Media Center use. It boots into a program called XBMC which is just the most awesome frontend to multimedia that I have ever seen and believe me, I've seen a few.
It runs on XBOX (original), Mac, Linux and even Windows!
The website is http://xbmc.org/
And there some awesome videos on youtube. Give it a look.
Will see if I can post a video in the blog.
It currently runs a stripped down version of MythBuntu which is a version of Ubuntu tailored for Media Center use. It boots into a program called XBMC which is just the most awesome frontend to multimedia that I have ever seen and believe me, I've seen a few.
It runs on XBOX (original), Mac, Linux and even Windows!
The website is http://xbmc.org/
And there some awesome videos on youtube. Give it a look.
Will see if I can post a video in the blog.