Logitech G15 Keyboard openSUSE 11.2

Got the LCD display on my logitech keyboard working well. As their is no built-in support for the keyboard in openSUSE 11.2 RC, I googled and found the site www.g15tools.com

On their forum, I found packages for openSUSE in a user repository.

I added the repo with the following (correct as of 24/10/2009).

sudo zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/dgege:/g15tools/openSUSE_Factory/home:dgege:g15tools.repo

then followed by

sudo zypper -r install g15daemon g15stats


sudo /usr/sbin/g15daemon


g15stats --interface eth0 --daemon

Will post a follow-up once I make this autostart every bootup.

So far works very well.

I get 5 screens on the keyboard lcd from memory / swap stats to clock to eth0 stats, etc. All nice and readable. There are plugins for Songbird and other apps which I need to checkout.

Haven't figured out how to attach Macro's to the extra function keys, as I haven't started to research that.


robo said…
Excellent, works well!


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