
Showing posts from August, 2016
I finally muted Google's Recommended Posts on my feed.   The crazies appear to have gone...

I reached 5973m in highway.

I reached 5973m in highway. Check out how far you go: 1.5 million is my record for a single run.

Help! I think I'm stuck inside a planet ;)

Help!  I think I'm stuck inside a planet ;) Was interdicted on approach to a surface landing.  Thought i could enter the atmosphere, but it triggered the too fast approach warnings as the interdiction nearly went through.  I am in an Anaconda which now has a 590 top speed (yay!) except I haven't modded it.  when I hit boost, my speed drops ;) I am trying to fly to the nearest space station, but I can't supercruise as I am mass locked by the planet.  have tried return to menu, but respawn same place (more or less). To add to the complication, I was attempting to deliver mission 1 out of 13!


NOVA LAUNCHER WHAT'S NEW 4.3.1 May 4 2016 Fix icons not appearing in some parts of Canada Wow. Klondike?

Thought I had lost my save game last night. After a BSOD, NMS tried to start a new profile. Played around with...

Thought I had lost my save game last night.  After a BSOD, NMS tried to start a new profile.  Played around with Steam Cloud & Deleting my Save Folders, but nope.   Kept starting on a new save.  Thankfully I realised I could reload a previous save because I hadn't saved any new restore points on the respawned version as I was killing the process instead of exiting.  Panic over.  Perhaps will do the odd manual backup just in case.

Any of you have a Star Citizen referral code to share? Want to try it this weekend.

Any of you have a Star Citizen referral code to share?  Want to try it this weekend. Thanks in advance

No Man's Sky 3 minute review. Worth $45 that I paid. Hope they patch it in the next day or so as I'm off to a...

No Man's Sky 3 minute review.  Worth $45 that I paid.  Hope they patch it in the next day or so as I'm off to a wedding.  Back in 24h!

My daughter made me think of Bjork today. Needed some music while I was doing some coding. I always tend to listen...

My daughter made me think of Bjork today.  Needed some music while I was doing some coding.  I always tend to listen to earlier albums as they hold the most memories.  The Debut & Post albums are clearly my favourite, but some of the mixes and later singles get a lot of play too. Some of the songs I prefer the various remixes especially if I want something more up tempo.  However, some of the vocal tracks can send shivers up my spine.  I'm pretty sure that some of them drive most normal people insane because the vocals don't conform to any sort of norms. I expect its her total devotion to each track that makes live versions and remixes just as good, or even better.   It's something that other creative types do so well.  Enya comes to mind.  In the background,  Like Someone In Love has just started playing.  Who else uses a harp??  The vocal is strong and just forces itself into your skull with guile, subtlety and power.  It's such a weird and charming song and I gue...