Rewatched all the extended Blu-ray's of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings for the umpteenth time.

Rewatched all the extended Blu-ray's of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings for the umpteenth time. When Aragorn kneels before the end it is the culmination of such a journey that I'm broken. #lordoftherings


Ronan Young said…
Really enjoyed this series of movies. Not as much as I enjoyed the books when I was a boy though ☺
Ian Stoffberg said…
Enjoyed David Eddings, Melanie Dawn, Julian May, Anne Macaffrey, Raymond Feist and the Shanarra stuff more than Tolkien. Kind of a pop Vs classics taste thing I guess.
"My friends, you bow to noone"
Ian Stoffberg said…
Joseph Loder dammit. ;)

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