Another 5 mill bounties for Null at Conway.

Another 5 mill bounties for Null at Conway. Not bad for < hour! Didn't even need to refill the multi-cannons. Added another 100k Tindjin stuff too to weaken DON.
Carrying 2 nights of non-cashed-in other factions bounties. Probably another 3 mill at least. Combat rank +1%
Danie van der Merwe Earlier I posted this in the wrong group and had to delete the post. Oops.


Martin Chalk said…
What are you fighting in to get that much in that time? And was the CZ heavy with Anacondas, Corvettes and Pythons?

In my Chieftain I average 2.5MCr/hr and that exhausts my MCs. Twin C3 beams, C2 MC with corrosive and triple C1 rail gun with feedback cascade for those irritating SCB spammers.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Martin Chalk This is the build. It's a pre-3.0 build for the most part. I've only done the most basic of engineering on 3.0 so most of my parts are grade4 (downgraded). I've been doing the mostly High RES and basically find instances with lots of the ships you mention. However, FDL's, Dropships, Gunships, Assault Ships and Clippers give Decent money too! It was more than 5 mil last night. That was the Null specific bounties. The total was probably closer to 7 (I haven't been to Interstellar Factors yet). Even with this build, I''d be hesitant to go into a CZ without a wingman. In a previous post I mentioned a sequence of Anacondas (including a wing of 3) and FDL's that earned me probably 2 mil in just over 5 minutes. It was madness.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Martin Chalk Found a screengrab. About a million right there. Didn't take too long either. Cops were vicious. Waited for them to attack the Wing, then I piled into the loose one. Once he died I checked the other 3 to see who had the lowest shields. Plowed in and he was dead in seconds once the shields dropped. Literally then it was down to 2 Anacondas vs myself and 6 Cobra Mk 4's and Vipers. Last night I ran into a couple of those wings with 2 Clippers and a gunship. My build is just tearing through the clippers, it would seem. Firegroup1 = Pulses+KWS, 2 = Pulses + Multicannon, 3 = collector drones ( when there is a lull in action, I pick up random materials).
Martin Chalk said…
Okay so you're using a Corvette. Good call on the collectors for passive materials collection.

SIX shield boosters? Dayum!
I can see what your doing and can use that as a baseline. Were your shields ever under serious threat?

I'd throw a couple of rail guns with feedback cascade on the small hardpoints to crack those nuts that spam SCBs like candy. Definitely something I can work with though. Thank you for sharing your build.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Martin Chalk Havent't dropped shields in quite a few sessions, but the high distrib is helping too! I think with Grade 3 engineering the damage could go up quite a bit. Never used rail guns before. Are they fixed weapons? I guess I could use it up close.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Martin Chalk Before the corvette, I flew the same build idea on my Anaconda for ages. I think 4 pulses initially, but eventually I want for a big MC as well. The corvette was engineered quite a bit during 2.4
Martin Chalk said…
Ian Stoffberg rail guns are fixed so it would mean having the target directly in front and holding fire button for the second it takes to discharge. Like I said, useful for cracking those tough nuts that constantly spam SCBs. Feedback cascade hit 2 or 3 times whacks their shield down faster when SCB is charging.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Martin Chalk interestingly the worst 3 ships that did that to me were 2 pythons and an asp explorer.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Martin Chalk had a half hour session just now. Timed myself to give you a more accurate estimation of rate of credit accumulation. After 30 minutes I checked my progress and I was at 2.46 Null bounties starting from 0. Below what I had estimated previously, but that excludes non-Null bounties. It was a slower session than last week, so I still think I could do 5 mil (Null) in 45 minutes or so given a nicer run of ships. It was night time in the RES and I was being a bit cautious and so probably didn't have a perfect run.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Martin ChalkI just logged back in to check the other bounties, about 1.3mil.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Garnet Prince so I could legally sit you and break my record for highest bounty for a single kill. Nice.
Garnet Prince said…
I guess you could. Maybe wait for the Million. :-) This was for killing Democrat police ships in LTT 4961. Supposed to affect their influence.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Garnet Prince interdictions?
Garnet Prince said…
Yes and kills in REZs. Bounty increases on every illegal interdiction and kill. You also get interdicted every couple of minutes by security and bounty hunters. Notoriety level 7 last time I checked. Ship is too hot now.

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