With my road I generate planes in code which end up being the road tiles (like scalextric pieces).

With my road I generate planes in code which end up being the road tiles (like scalextric pieces).

Sometimes I have the challenge that my player object can't make the ramp between 2 pieces.

In essence the player gets stuck in the geometry.

What could also happen is the diff in steps are such that

____ o->

Player falls through geometry.

I'm having to calculate a slope between the 2 points using pythagoras and generating an intermediate sloping plan. I have to space the steps further aprt.

Sorry for the ascii. It's late and my mind is a bit Destiny2 frazzled.

Having to work on the sloping bit, I realised that I haven't used Pythagoras since high school. Did the pythagoras rotation calculation earlier in c#. I need to create the plan and do the spacing tomorrow. Hope it works!

BTW, I have it running on my phone now, which is a real treat to see it in action. Fonts all wrong size, etc, but still motivating me...


Steve Gledhill said…
I wonder if you turned the car into a hover-type vehicle and you can have bigger virtual wheels to glide over the gaps?
I might be off about this, but usually when you get stuck between the walls, the solution is to fix the collision boxes around the objects. Namely, in this case, I think you need to make sure that they overlap.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Robert Csala If you look at the second technical diagram, the ball is unable to climb the step because the height between plane 1 and plane 2 is more than the height of the ball. I can smooth the numbers out to make it work easier by dividing it by 20 or so to narrow the gaps, but the reason for the uneasy steps is that it comes from currency prices. The game is based on the premise that the local currency is in a downward spiral. I want people to ride the currency down and then realise that the economy is in trouble. Kind of a subtle social commentary / economic warning maybe?
Steve Gledhill said…
OK, so if the currency dips so much at a particular point in the road then can we make the car breakdown/fall through a pot hole?
What happens if the currency gains? Perhaps the car then crashes into the wall? Or maybe travels through it like Harry Potter's platform into some Nirvana?
These disasters could be offset if there was some mechanism whereby the driver can anticipate the fall/rise and choose the correct gear / handbrake turn to avoid imminent disaster? He would be responding to some data presented as maybe a heatmap, chart, traffic lights, intensity depending on the metrics you are using from your csv.
Ian Stoffberg
Argh, sorry, misunderstood what you wrote. For some reason I thought the ramps are already there, and the object gets stuck between the ramp and the next step.
Sorry, need to sleep more.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Steve Gledhill if you've seen Trailblazer for the c64 but with a narrow road and Mario kart style pickups, that's basically it.

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