Tonight in Ark Extinction Map with Apex.

Tonight in Ark Extinction Map with Apex.

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We found a cave that kept spawning enemies because we were running in without armour and not enough weapons.


Ian Stoffberg said…
Spent the day making ingots, bullets, armour, etc.
Dennis Wronka said…
And I guess all that above means that pretty much your base got eaten?
Dennis Wronka said…
Have you been looking out for Raptor Claus and Gacha Claus these days? I got some nice gifts from them.
Ian Stoffberg said…
In Extinction, I hear Raptor Claus, but no gifts yet. With Gacha, he walks around, but not sure what to do. He drops nothing. We started playing the map 2 days ago and we imported our characters from the Island. We were running around without tames, but with pikes, etc. We found a cave and went in. We died so many times, but eventually built 2 beds nearby and kept recovering the corpses and the pikes, etc. We are quite a distance from our initial base as we don't know the map that well, but we've started exploring. Apex didn't want to build in the city, so we're out in the woods. There are no drops and very few flyers around. Earlier tonight we tamed 2 Iguanadons and so we're making narco's etc with all the extra harvesting we can do. Map is short on metal/obsidian so far, but I guess that's why we are still exploring.
Dennis Wronka said…
Raptor Claus drops some neat gifts, along with coal and mistletoe. Give the coal and mistletoe to Gacha Claus, and he'll reward you with Gacha Crystals containing neat gifts.
On my Island map I now have 2 of those Extinction cryo pods, thanks to Raptor Claus, and a pretty neat shotgun thanks to Gacha Claus.

I was lucky enough for Raptor Claus to fly by near my home, so I could fly over with the Argy to get my present.
Ian Stoffberg said…
We just tamed our first flyer on Extinction. Should make a huge difference. Never saw raptor Claus because we were in a massive cave. I spawned in 100 mistletoe via a cheat and tried it. Got weapons and armor. Thanks for the tip.

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