
I'm here.  Made it. 73% hull left.  Considering I lost 16% hull on one stupid landing on a 0.8G planet, I reckon I could have done it with damn near 90% hull left.

Still, exceedingly proud of myself for persevering and grateful for the endless encouragement and good advise.

I'm off to see the Great Annihilator and then heading back.  I'm probably going to call it a night now (early).  I hope the 6 ELW's I found on the way remain undiscovered.

It took me 2 weeks (exactly) to get here and about 830 jumps (I didn't have Captain's Log until day 3).


Iain McC said…
rapturous applause

Well done! I've almost started on my trip. :-)
Ian Stoffberg said…
Just realised it doesn't matter until I get back. sigh
Dennis Wronka said…
Congratulations, Commander!
Michael Birke said…
Ian Stoffberg well, you don't get naming/tagging rights there anyways, so... don't be too worried about it.

Rather drown your sorrows with a generous, full-bodied, smoky South African Shiraz with excellent fruit. IMO. :)
Ian Stoffberg said…
Michael Birke that's a good suggestion for my wife. Sadly it'll be sugar free something or other for me.
Michael Birke said…
Ian Stoffberg no worries, most wine is dry, meaning little to very little sugar. Shiraz is high alcohol which means most, often almost every little bit of sugar got turned into alcohol. Just beware, alcohol can make you hungry. That's what making people fat, not the wine. Think of Gerard Depardieu.:)


Here, 2g per liter and it's only a 0,75 bottle. You can drink it when you explode, "Allesverloren" means "lost everything", and that's true for this winemaker. Their farm got burned when they were away buying tools. (But apparently they didn't burn the vineyards.)
Ronan Young said…
Congrats commander, safe journey home
Congratulations CMDR.
I have some good memories with this one: http://beyerskloof.co.za/product/synergy-cape-blend/ excellent wine, especially for this price.
Chris Keating said…
Don't forget to sign the visitors book.
Ian Stoffberg said…
Chris Keating
on Frontier Forum, done ;)  Hope its the right thread.
Michael Birke said…
Michel Rijckenberg sounds interesting! I marked it down for future consumption.
Andy Lewis said…
Congrats, I'm 4kLy... with 89% hull after two mistimed landings. In my defence one was greater than 1G (but not by much). Fly safe CMDR!
Martin Chalk said…
Congratulations Cmdr! It took me 2 months to get around to visiting SagA* when I was out there. You've done it in 2 weeks. You be fast! 8)
Congratulations! My journey to Sag A* took just over 2 months. Way to go Commander!
Ian Stoffberg said…
I know that my decision to explore was a crazy thought.  I did minimal prep.  I thought I was going a 2500 ly and back to test the Anaconda.  The build was not optimised and for the first fiew jumps I had modules shutting off because I didn't compensate for the extra kit I added at the last minute.  I mean really, who takes a docking computer along?  With that said, after formulating the idea to go all the way, I was determined to prove to myself that even without the planning, I could do it, if I remained disciplined.  I made numerous mistakes in taking damage, but that was mostly the first week.  I think the mental challenge for the next 2-3 weeks is to remain focussed and keep the concentration levels high.

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