Instead of saying how far I am from LTT 4961, how about I'm 9480ly from SAG A.

Instead of saying how far I am from LTT 4961, how about I'm 9480ly from SAG A.

Kind of has a more "glass half full" vibe about it.


Your closing the gap! Great progress!
Ian Stoffberg said…
Thanks.  Hope we pass near each other on the way back...
We very well may run into each other on your way back. We're setting off next week for Sag A if all go's according to plan.
James Dominguez said…
Well over halfway. Great work! Keep at it!
Ian Stoffberg said…
After 3 days I set myself the goal of 3 weeks each way. Hoping to knock 1 week of the total trip. First prize would be I near the bubble during a Cg for exploration.

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