Random memory as I nibble on my nopasta lasagna.

Random memory as I nibble on my nopasta lasagna.

Back in the early days as I played the original Elite in the 80's, I always hated the smart bomb.  I was in school and many games had smart bombs, but I felt that no player should be able to kill all players near them in space.  It was too indiscriminate.  I don't remember if I ever conceived in my head that we would have multiplayer elite.   I reckon I believed it would be amazing but it was purely a speculative thought as the concept of networking barely had any meaning for me back then.  Last night in a chat with an American, German, Australian, Scot and myself casually independently in the same galaxy many light years apart, just made me glad to be in this community and grateful that Frontier delivered on what I could only dream of.

dammit.  food is cold...


It was nonpasta lasagna an abomination anyway.  ;-)
Ian Stoffberg said…
Jürgen Erhard
eggplant substitutes for pasta sheets.  I'm diabetic, so low carbs for me...
Okay, Diabetes sucks.  I can... tolerate ;-) that as a reason.  My dad and my brother are diabetic, so...  (my dad's not my genetic father, in case you're wondering about my risk)

Still, I'm glad I don't have it because a life without pasta would be my death.  ;-)  OTOH, from what I know you don't have to do completely without carbs, but you have to watch those bastards very carefully.
Andy Lewis said…
Whilst I was doing paleo/primal I cut/unfurled sheets of leek to make lasagne, was really tasty but you need a sharp knife otherwise it gets messy.
Ian Stoffberg said…
aargh, there's a leek in my lasagna!

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