This morning I decided to skip the podcasts for the morning commute.

This morning I decided to skip the podcasts for the morning commute. Sorry Kevin Smith, Neil de Grasse Tyson, Radiolab and the gang at the Skeptics Guide.

Google Play was playing Walkin in my Shoes, but I decided to check out the Spotify Daily Mix as there auto playlists are supposed to be soooo good. First track was the linked Personal Jesus mix. Damn. I was punching the steering wheel and revelling in the punchy bass and malicious synths. Such a good version of the song. When my Spotify trial ends, I won't be subscribing as they don't offer a family plan in ZA, but I might come back if they do. It's the Cape Town Jazz Festival tonight. Screw that crap.

Reach out and touch faith...

#spotify #depechemode #googleplaymusic #personaljesus


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