
Showing posts from 2015

My fave video for this time of year.

My fave video for this time of year. I discovered Reyn for his musical work on old c64 tunes and then discovered he is a decent card handler too. Do check out some of his videos if wizball parallax or green beret have any fond memories for you.

My president...

My president...

I hope that some of the unhappy people in the Debian community take a moment to reflect on the ideals and values of...

I hope that some of the unhappy people in the Debian community take a moment to reflect on the ideals and values of their community and honour the contribution / life of Ian Murdock. and strengthen their project and end all the feudal bickering. #wastedenergy

Attention to detail matters.

Attention to detail matters. Sometimes I get distracted by unimportant details when I read an article.  Case in point, this attached article about proprietary document formats versus open documents.   Note the filenames in the save dialog. #freedom

I barely touched a computer yesterday, but happy holidays and safe flying / exploring / discovering / fighting to...

I barely touched a computer yesterday, but happy holidays and safe flying / exploring / discovering / fighting to you all. It has been a pleasure being part of this community and I look forward to many more hours with you all.

Weird snapshot of our society.

Weird snapshot of our society. This happened in South Africa. I don't want to judge the contents without more info, but it started a lot of conversations. #crime #highpressure #violent #gta #sonsofanarchy

Managed to get a screenshot using Windows 10 "windows key + g" function. Submitted a crash report.

Managed to get a screenshot using Windows 10 "windows key + g" function. Submitted a crash report.


JUSTICE DENIED! I figured out why Null is not improving rank. A sly turncoat is secretly working against us. So there I was (5 minutes ago) sitting just under a million bounty credits earned for Null in when I spied a familiar name flying for the other side. I engaged him and just before killing him, my client crashed. I suspect foul play!!! See attached for proof. String him up by the yardarm I say! ;)

YouTubing videos of my hometown often shows tourist friendly venues shot by drones over beautiful beaches.

YouTubing videos of my hometown often shows tourist friendly venues shot by drones over beautiful beaches. This video shows a bit more about the friendly people I live with in less affluent neighbourhoods. Captures people like me and my family albeit with a very different taste in music. Not my kind of song, but it fits the video material beautifully. Another side of Cape Town, one that I grew up and live in.

Note to self:

Note to self: Sort out keybindings in Horizons before playing again. Accidently fired laser while docking sigh

No Spoilers post.

No Spoilers post. The new Star Wars was _________ . I _ the bit when ______________ . I was very surprised to see __________ . I_ ________ _________ the next one. _______ performance by ___ _______________ . Doesn't ____________ remind you of ____________ ? Grateful that South Africa got to see it today. Lots of people dressed up in cool costumes. Lots of side buns on display(HAIR!).

Elite Dangerous Horizons and Star Wars Force Awakens on the same day?

Elite Dangerous Horizons and Star Wars Force Awakens on the same day? Can't believe I am still so excited after the prequels. To prepare I watched Eps 1 & 2 and half of 3 (out of time). I can recommend the "No Cheese Edits". They dub alien voices for Jar Jar and the Trade Federation so some of the annoyance goes away. Made episode one much more watchable. I also recommend the "despecialised" versions of Eps 4-6. I have the bluray set but in terms of the nostalgia factor, I will probably watch these after I see ep7. Heading out in 10 minutes to the IMAX. (who said africa is just lions bush!). The only Star Wars t shirt I have that still fits is Episode 1 (shame).

Walked up to this rather friendly cat and stood above with my phone.

Walked up to this rather friendly cat and stood above with my phone. As I looked down, this model decided to pose for the camera. It's just a photo shot from a cellphone by a doofus who doesn't know the first thing about photography, but I liked the shot. Would the title TopCat be too cheesy? Photo taken at a farm stall in Swellendam, Western Cape.

Saw this at a local market. About 400 dollars. So tempted.

Saw this at a local market. About 400 dollars. So tempted.

Why I prefer Steam.

Why I prefer Steam. Number 99109209. Started to download Elite Dangerous 2 Beta 12 hours ago. Sitting at less than 400mb this morning. Current ETA 9days if it doesn't crash again. The installer just gives up after 5 minutes. In Steam, I would be sitting on 800kb/s. Oh hang on. MUCH FASTER. Only 6 days to go now...

Well done Incredible Connection. Show us those Black Friday savings! #BlackFridayBargainNOT

Well done Incredible Connection. Show us those Black Friday savings! #BlackFridayBargainNOT

WOW. Loving the F.A.S.

WOW. Loving the F.A.S. Just did 3.5mil in what seems like less than an hour. Or it could be a case of time flies when you're having fun. Was planning on adding a FDL to the stable after the 1.5 buffs, but this is an excellent interim choice. The HAZ RES at LTT 4961 is particularly generous today. Clippers abound. Quite a few high value Anaconda's too.

Let's try out my new Federal Assault Ship...

Let's try out my new Federal Assault Ship...

Random moment.

Random moment. Watched a clip of Adele pranking some of her fans. I'm not even a fan. Watched it for a giggle and ended up in tears. So strange.

I screengrabbed my stats pages to answer the following question.

I screengrabbed my stats pages to answer the following question. Does the reward for a Trading CG count towards your Trade Ranking. Would be good to know. I know I can ask you fine people, but seeing for myself would be satisfying in its own way.

Kaushpoos Trading CG Update

Kaushpoos Trading CG Update Just went from Top40 to Top15. Delivered 448 tons to bring total to 3584. Crossover point somewhere in there.... Might have do another thousand to be safe in top15.

For those doing the Clear the Shipping Lanes CG at Kaushpoos, the Top 5% mark is currently around 20 milcr. Crossed...

For those doing the Clear the Shipping Lanes CG at Kaushpoos, the Top 5% mark is currently around 20 milcr.  Crossed over from 18 to 21 and just hit it.  Expect I will need to do another 3mil cr for tonight b4 I give up for today.

Keeping things interesting. I decided to max out a Sidewinder and head out to a High Intensity Res to see if I...

Keeping things interesting.   I decided to max out a Sidewinder and head out to a High Intensity Res to see if I could get the bounty on an Anaconda by shooting him at the last minute. I ended up doing it twice making a total of 480k in Bounties.  It was very hair raising though.  For the first one there was a couple of Security ships to help and so I tagged it at about 10%.  Fortunately I got very little attention from the 'conda and he died without taking down my shields all the way. The second one was a totally different story.  An ASP and 2 Imperial Eagles were bravely taking him on and eventually managed to knock his shields down.  I waited until the 'conda was down to 10% before taking my shot.  I really should have waited.  Seconds later, the ASP bit the dust and when I looked again there was only the one Imperial Eagle left besides myself.  Each time the 'conda got a shot at me it slaughtered my measly shields.  It took me down and was doing hull damage as I furiou...

Sometimes random playlists are soo good.

Sometimes random playlists are soo good. Little gems pop up. Depeche Mode - To have and to hold Maximum Pain rmx - Dominatrix Rmx #depechemode #dominatrixrmx   Credit where credit is (over)due.
In  preparation for tonight, had to catch up with all the Sunday Night Thieves.  Finally finished Queensdale 100%

Can't connect to not resolving and my GW2 client has disconnected...

Can't connect to not resolving and my GW2 client has disconnected... My network is up though ;(

Cleo Slow mo Bubble Jump
Tried adding some steam names.  not all of them seem to exist when I search.  e.g. psn_andybeans & sandpup...

Sunday Morning Featured Artist(s)

Sunday Morning Featured Artist(s) Everything But the Girl Tracey Thorne Massive Attack #connected

With my mocking friends, its a brave thing to admit I'm listening to Bjork this fine Saturday morning.

With my mocking friends, its a brave thing to admit I'm listening to Bjork this fine Saturday morning.   I'm guessing the ED crowd tends towards people my age, so I am taking a chance to expose myself to some ridicule! Wife's birthday so I am using headphones instead of blaring it out... Starting with: Joga (sweeping and epic) Venus as a boy (my intro to bjork, dropped hard earned cash on that song, loved the album) Possibly Maybe (second album, song that slipped under my skin and won't leave) Play Dead ( such a sweeping James Bond soundtrack style arrangement, and the lyrics...) and then tempted to move onto other female artists  and lead singers. Tracy Thorne,  Morcheeba, Dido, Swing Out Sister, Eva Cassidy, Norah Jones...   Eyeing Modjo / Moloko / Opus III / Madison Avenue singles if I need to inject some bpm... Taking it slow..  Hope some of those names trigger some fond memories for some.  To be fair, I was probably listening to these during the Frontier / FFE year...

Downloading fallout shelter on android. Had no idea it was released. Hope it lives up to the hype.

Downloading fallout shelter on android. Had no idea it was released. Hope it lives up to the hype.

Music for the (hungry) masses

Music for the (hungry) masses Currently making breakfast for family this lovely winter's Saturday morning.  Currently listening to Depeche Mode vs Duran Duran Megamix as mixed by KaizerSozey.  The linked Youtube video doesn't credit him/her and the remixer clearly deserves recognition and thanks!  Hope this brings back some memories for some of you. #depechemode   #duranduran   #kaizersozey   If you like, please look for Dominatrix, Reaps & KaizerSozey remixes on Youtube and Soundcloud !,d.d24

If you have capped DSL or mobile data on your brosdband packages, make sure you are not inadvertently downloading...

If you have capped DSL or mobile data on your brosdband packages, make sure you are not inadvertently downloading Windows 10 using the wrong network connection.  If you clicked the upgrade icon that's been floating around the last week, you might have the download coming down your line as we speak.  I have a hidden folder on my boot drive which is currently sitting at 6.82 gb.  Probably still downloading in anticipation of tomorrow.  Considering I also have a laptop and my 2 kids pc's on Windows 8.1, that could be > 28 gb downloaded by the time this is over.  I'm on uncapped so I'll be fine, but I hope nobody is having a nasty surprise bill after all of this... Damn.  I should have been using squid on my server... #windows10   #preload

Decided to embrace Kickstarter if it leads to physical media. #c64 #commodore

Decided to embrace Kickstarter if it leads to physical media. #c64  #commodore

Also Kickstarting....

Also Kickstarting.... Should have done this ages ago #c64   #commodore

Clearly I've been away too long...

Clearly I've been away too long... Will docking at Zaonce, I forgot to request clearance.  As I entered the video advert channel I forgot my keybindings and hit boost.  I entered the station doing 250+ with my left hand trying desperately to bring thrust down to 0.  I screamed into the station at full speed and slammed on the brakes.  I careered all the way through to the back of Ridley Scott station (I imagine the look of utter disbelief on Air Traffic Control)).  I managed to lose only one ring of shield as I smacked into the far side of the station.  I did a 180 and thought, what the hell, boost out as well to compound the stupidity.  Due to my 180 being at speed I was too high for the slot and while boosting in the opposite direction managed to smack the lip of the station on exit.  Zero shields and some hull damage.  I was laughing hysterically at this point.  To hell with the 400cr fine, this was just too funny.  Glad I wasn't in my conda.

Starting Saturday with a couple of songs to wake me up and then slowing it down and ending with a couple of...

Starting Saturday with a couple of songs to wake me up and then slowing it down and ending with a couple of instrumentals and then ending on a classic instrumental.  Haven't heard many of these in years. That Mode to Joy remix of World in my Eyes is one of my fave Mode remixes ever.  Ridiculous synths in that one...  Love the bass line.... #depechemode  Alan Wilder

3 cheers to Col Cacchio for having banting options on the menu.

3 cheers to Col Cacchio for having banting options on the menu.

I don't think this has been posted before. Saw it on Frontiers twitter.

I don't think this has been posted before.  Saw it on Frontiers twitter. Hope it makes it easier to choose a Power to pledge to. Credit where credit is due to : Design & Layout by: Cmdr. Barking_Mad Powerplay Text: Taken from Frontier Powerplay Guide Powerplay Images - Courtesy of Frontier Developments Faction & Power History: Cmdr. Caylo Tavira Power Grids: Cmdr. Weylon Power Vector Graphics: Cmdr. SpyTec Powerflow Chart: Cmdr.. Barking_Mad,  jk2l , Cmdr. JohnCasey Cover Photo: Unknown

I logged a support call with Frontier Support for a death I felt was unfair or a result of a bug.

I logged a support call with Frontier Support for a death I felt was unfair or a result of a bug.  The following is the aftermath... So I had an interesting week with Elite Dangerous. I had recently purchased an Anaconda for 121mil credits due to the sale at Zaonce.  I had about 150mil in the bank, so was able to get a basic combat spec Anaconda with about 8mil in the bank.  With just under 7 mil as my insurance premium, I headed to the CG at 78 Ursai Majoris for some fun in the RES killing wanted folk.  Due to Townshend station being 13000 ls from the jump point, I literally went there to accept the mission and then went to the RES in HE BO with a view to cashing in every 24 hours or so.  After 2 days I had about 2.7mil in uncashed bounties and was heading for 3 mil before cashing in for the night. There was a knock at the door.  CMDR Apex was there in real life to drop off a USB stick.  I've learnt not to leave E:D ships unattended so I killed the current ship I was fighting and ...

Extract from the issue I just logged:

Extract from the issue I just logged: Issue date: 18 May 2015, approx 11pm GMT+2 Hi, ​ ​Was playing the RES in 78 Ursae Majoris.  Had accumulated 2.7 mil in credits.  Had to answer doorbell.  I exited to menu.   ​ ​Please check the save logs and restore the bounty.  I need it to contribute towards the Community Goal. ​ ​The previous night I was also disconnected from servers and could not join.  I'm not sure if its related.   ​ ​Please assist.

That's how you do the final episode after 6 seasons.

That's how you do the final episode after 6 seasons. Classy. Boyd Crowder chaotic bad and Raylan Givens chaotic good. #justified

Potential Trade Route

Potential Trade Route Picked up 1T Nvidia Black and sold it at Leesti for 40-odd thousand.  If only they had more in stock... ;)

Nice 2 Million per hour ASP Rare Trading Tip

Nice 2 Million per hour ASP Rare Trading Tip I'd hate to call it a route as: a) It's not a route.  Tanmark to Leesti & back is not a route b) It didn't take much thought and I know it can be optimised. So you typically get 35 Onion Head + a handful of the other rare.  They will typically net you about 600k cr at Leesti. You will get about 15t or more at Leesti which will net you a variable amount, but could get your trip profit to about 700k cr for the round trip.  I can do it in about 18 minutes give or take as long as my approaches don't overrun too much and my docking goes smoothly. Leesti is Alliance and so far I haven't been scanned for illegals, so no fines as yet.  With my ASP it's 7 jumps to Leesti and 6 jumps back (cargo differences).  This route could be optimised by finding a better station one jump less in either direction.  Somebody please help if you have a better one.  Also, this can be done in a Cobra as you won't need more than 48 t carg...

News stations have lost all credibility.

News stations have lost all credibility. There is a lot of news worthy events besides the latest plane crash. First impressions are the American channels are the worst.

I'm enjoying the Diamond shaped rare trade route around Altair.

I'm enjoying the Diamond shaped rare trade route around Altair. I just tried to speed run this route.  Aggressive take off's and docking.  speeding through menu's etc.  I did the run excluding 39 Tauri in 33 minutes.  That included some slow transitions during the frame shift jumps.  1 or 2 of the jumps took > 1 minute in witschspace.   On the leg Rajukru to GeorgeP I made 610k cr and on the return leg made 510k cr.  A total of 1.12 million credits in 33 minutes.  that's bloody marvellous.
The Emperor has new clothes. #apple #realitydistortionfield

107.6 Fahrenheit, 42 degrees Celsius or 315 kelvin. Take your pick. It's bloody hot today.

107.6 Fahrenheit, 42 degrees Celsius or 315 kelvin. Take your pick. It's bloody hot today. Originally shared by CapeTalk Cape Town is the hottest city in the World today at 42C. Here are the top 10.

Tell the truth Frankie

Tell the truth Frankie Originally shared by Markus Feilner Ouch...
650kva UPS keeping the Internet plus wifi alive. 90 minutes and counting...

What a marriage.

What a marriage.  Sons of Anarchy & Portishead.  Probably my fave track off the Glory Box album.  So many reminders of great characters from the show... #SOA   Fabian Scherschel thanks for the SOA soundtrack posts...

Just had excellent customer service from my ISP this evening. I'm still in shock...

Just had excellent customer service from my ISP this evening. I'm still in shock... Had to post about it.  People always eager to complain.  Let's hear it when we get good service too!