With my mocking friends, its a brave thing to admit I'm listening to Bjork this fine Saturday morning. I'm guessing the ED crowd tends towards people my age, so I am taking a chance to expose myself to some ridicule! Wife's birthday so I am using headphones instead of blaring it out... Starting with: Joga (sweeping and epic) Venus as a boy (my intro to bjork, dropped hard earned cash on that song, loved the album) Possibly Maybe (second album, song that slipped under my skin and won't leave) Play Dead ( such a sweeping James Bond soundtrack style arrangement, and the lyrics...) and then tempted to move onto other female artists and lead singers. Tracy Thorne, Morcheeba, Dido, Swing Out Sister, Eva Cassidy, Norah Jones... Eyeing Modjo / Moloko / Opus III / Madison Avenue singles if I need to inject some bpm... Taking it slow.. Hope some of those names trigger some fond memories for some. To be fair, I was probably listening to these during the Frontier / FFE year...