
Showing posts from September, 2016

Steam Alert

Steam Alert Rocket League, Doom, The Division on Sale this weekend.  I have the first 2 and can recommend them both.  Anybody with insight into the Division?
Post update and have doom planetside2 Star wars BF installed. What did I miss for the FPS evenings?

Inspired by Gillian Thornhill , I remember an encounter where a High R.E.S.

Inspired by Gillian Thornhill , I remember an encounter where a High R.E.S. proved to be too much for my greedy sense of judgement to handle.  I took on one or two targets to many, but I scraped out of there with single digit hull and around 3 minutes oxygen.  I hightailed it as fast as I could, which was limited by gravitational forces around me.  I jumped into range of the station and frantically entered the docking procedure.  As I lined up I was down to 8 or 9 seconds as I was (TOO SLOWLY) approaching the toaster racks.  As an inexperienced pilot, I had  never rushed docking before, but I had never seen the oxygen dip so low before and I had no idea what would happen.  Would I go into some kind of oxygen depletion for a few more seconds or would the game just blank to a death message text screen and then a rebuy?  I didn't want to find out so I thrusted some more, knowing full well, that it was too late and I wasn't going to make it to land.  At this point, the ingame audio...

New System Feedback.

New System Feedback. Everything seems ok.  Getting 150 avg fps inside station during take off.  Drops to 135 just before entering the slot.  As I fly towards the planet it increases up to the 170 mark and as I point to open space it climbs to 195, just under 200.  Interestingly at about 12 km, I turned back and did a flyby pass the docking grate and it went upto 205 before dropping back to 170 as I got close to and buzzed the landing/departing ships at the slow.  I'm guessing some of the performance increases was that the textures were buffered into the RAM.  Currently using the default in game Ultra Setting, Frame rates not limited and using Nvidia Experience overlay to count the frames.   Not sure how reliable that is compared to any other method.  System spec is I7 6700. CPU seems to be running at around 3800Mhz and the 16GB DDR4 RAM is currently clocked at 3400Mhz. Video is an ASUS Strix 1070. Resolution is 2560x1440 on a LG 34" 21:9 Monitor. Very happy ;)

Upgrade update.

Upgrade update. Just completed  an hour of No Man's Sky at Ultra detail 2560x1440 with no crashes.  Bad news is that one of my SSD's failed.  The  one with Project Cars, Elite Dangerous, Rise of the TombRaider & 3DMark.  Probably the 4 things I most wanted to benchmark ;(  Lots to download this week. + BattleField4, Star Wars BattleFront & Mirror's Edge.  Still, I do have the Guardians 2.2 beta to test with.

Inside the Troubled Development of Star Citizen | Kotaku UK

Inside the Troubled Development of Star Citizen | Kotaku UK

I've put about 30 minutes into the Guardians Beta. I must be burnt out, but visiting Farseer I was expecting to use...

I've put about 30 minutes into the Guardians Beta.  I must be burnt out, but visiting Farseer I was expecting to use fish for module upgrades, but I guess they took that out.  I was hoping to preview / test drive an Anaconda build and get something I can use as an objective to work towards when 2.2 drops.  I'm so not interested in most of the new functionality (passenger, ship fighters, etc).  I am hoping that the various bugfixes, tweaks and new graphical enhancements rekindle my interest which has been waning due to the RNG BS of 2.1 I'm also hoping that the Alien contact results in a major story swing with huge political impact which again would be something new in terms of campaign missions / alien warfare/ smuggling/ espionage/ alien sneak missions, etc.  The avatar editor thing in 2.3 has me literally baffled as to how they can sell that as a feature.  By then perhaps other long promised polish to existing functionality might make 2.3 sound more appealing. Maybe I nee...

Future of Elite

Future of Elite I think(hope) that every season release will have a big feature and the rest of the season smaller upgrades.  2 Planetary Landings. 3 Gas Giant Atmospheres + Water Worlds 4 Atmospheric Landings + Vegatation 5 Planetary Cities and Animals + Underwater .  I expect for each season they will continue to add extra platform tweaks.  Vulkan, Proper MultiDisplay and hopefully more immersive MultiCrew in VR.  Look right and see your ugly co-pilot who's located a 1000miles away in his pyjamas. I expect at season 6 they will have fixed some of major complaints voiced by outsidefactor

I'm loving the ED G19 Companion App. I'm lucky enough to still have a G19, but the author has been very...

I'm loving the ED G19 Companion App.  I'm lucky enough to still have a G19, but the author has been very accomodating and made it work with Logitech Arx compatible keyboards and even non-logitech setups via a floating window for your second monitor. I couldn't find a decent video of the Companion App. My setup is wayyy too messy for me to record a video ;(

My new favourite quote:

My new favourite quote: Redditor BaconBakin points out that while North Korea has 28 websites, GTA V has 83 websites. They added, "I think it's safe to say that San Andreas is more technologically advanced than North Korea."

Some lyrics that are resonating with me today.

Some lyrics that are resonating with me today. You can't change the world But you can change the facts And when you change the facts You change points of view If you change points of view You may change a vote And when you change a vote You may change the world #depechemode #newdress #scepticism

If you had a 500mb Amiga, one company did a lot to make you save up for the RAM upgrade and/or another external...

If you had a 500mb Amiga, one company did a lot to make you save up for the RAM upgrade and/or another external drive! These take me back.

Nostalgia alert.

Nostalgia alert. Kind of meta.  Video of remake of a 1989 era Amiga/ST Stunt Car Racer track remade round about 2003 or thereabouts for a video game that came out in 1998.  This game is worthy of mention because of the wonderful support from the developers post release.  Without holding back for a sequel, they added new technology support as the game aged. 3 pedal clutch support, 3d cards, multi core cpu, fantastic multiplayer and tons of physics and bug fixes were implemented over quit a few years.  Then things elevated to another level when the community built tools, patched the graphics, added new car models, converted 2d objects to complex 3d models, added new seasons with new physics, developed track editor & telemetry suite and tons of websites and utilities.  Hell, I even wrote one myself which was made obsolete by an even better mod a couple of years later.  I never quite mastered gameplay with a controller and I still don't have the desk space to unpack my wheel, but I...

So if you're one of those people who hate the SPAM related to Hill Climb Racer, how about something totally...

So if you're one of those people who hate the SPAM related to Hill Climb Racer, how about something totally different.  It's got Zombies! disclaimer (when I said *totally , I totally didn't mean that)
Anybody else tempted to play through Bioshock Remastered?

I'm about 1 rank away from elite on all 3.

I'm about 1 rank away from elite on all 3. Thinking of working my way slowly to 99% on all 3. Then trying to triple in one session and record it.

If you like racing games you could do far worse than Project Cars. It's heavily discounted to about $10 on Humble...

If you like racing games you could do far worse than Project Cars.  It's heavily discounted to about $10 on Humble Store.  Recommended.

I reached 6482m in beach.

I reached 6482m in beach. Check out how far you go: I got my highest for a single run. 3.92 Mil. My prev best score was around 2000 in the beach buggy. Turns out the 4x4 is a monster on the dunes.

This game is a few years old now, but worth a look if you've never played.

This game is a few years old now, but worth a look if you've never played. Reminds me more of old school shooters like R-Type/ Nemesis rather than the manic Dreamcast shooter era.

If, like me, you grew up with a Commodore 64 (or Spectrum/Amstrad/Atari), alongside Elite, you might have played a...

If, like me, you grew up with a Commodore 64 (or Spectrum/Amstrad/Atari), alongside Elite, you might have played a ton of Nemesis, Delta, Uridium, R-Type, etc.  Going to Amiga, I moved on to Hybris/ Battle Squadron/ SWIV, etc.  Never got into the Dreamcast  Shootemups, but this old game took me back.  Decent visuals and of course a hail of bullets.  It has 2D levels rendered in a 3D engine which means interesting transitions between & during levels, especially with boss battles.  It's on Sale this week on Steam at a ridiculous price.    If the above ramble brings back any fond memories, follow the link to the free demo and download. It is cross platform and available on Mobile, but unless you have a decent controller setup (Moga/Nvidia Shield), I wouldn't bother.