Steam Alert

Steam Alert
Rocket League, Doom, The Division on Sale this weekend.  I have the first 2 and can recommend them both.  Anybody with insight into the Division?


I have The Division. Not so rewarding unless playing with others. PVP in the Dark Zone is a joke. It is basically organized Seal Clubbing.

The game looks amazing. If you enjoy co-op against AI with friends it is great fun. I do enjoy that and I like the complex build and loadout sysytem. Well, not complex, lets say in depth. If you do the maths and focus on how much grind it will take to get the "best" gear your head will melt. So my advice is just jump in and enjoy it.

I am still low enough a level that we can team up. I would advise before that to get the first three or so story missions done.

Bottom line, I enjoy it with other people! I think that A Spacetoy has it and I recommended to Max Acceleration not sure if he has it yet.
Good Guys Gaming GGG I haven't picked up The Division yet but have been watching it closely. May have to take a look at this sale!

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