Future of Elite

Future of Elite

I think(hope) that every season release will have a big feature and the rest of the season smaller upgrades.  2 Planetary Landings. 3 Gas Giant Atmospheres + Water Worlds 4 Atmospheric Landings + Vegatation 5 Planetary Cities and Animals + Underwater .  I expect for each season they will continue to add extra platform tweaks.  Vulkan, Proper MultiDisplay and hopefully more immersive MultiCrew in VR.  Look right and see your ugly co-pilot who's located a 1000miles away in his pyjamas.
I expect at season 6 they will have fixed some of major complaints voiced by outsidefactor


Ronan Young said…
I hope so too. Gotta wait and see I guess
Ian Norton said…
I think season 3 will be a major major step up, like perhaps some earth likes with others like earth permit locked

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