Coupla hours later

So I've started importing my mp3's and photos onto the ubuntu side from my windows backups.

Some notes, I have a fairly large mp3 library and have never ever cleaned up the tags / names. Programs like Banshee like structure to the data inside them and therefore I can see myself battling to bring order to the chaos in my collection.

On the photos front. Re-tagging photos in f-spot that were fairly well categorised in Picasa will be a pain. I'll see how long my impatience lasts as I do this boring chore.

On the whole things work as expected. Being a ubuntu user of about 2 years does help significantly.

Bottom line so far.

Despite the many improvements that have been made, I can still see some first time users having a bad experience with this distro. I have had easier out of box experiences with both Mandriva and OpenSUSE and despite what Ubuntu die-hards tell you, there are small stumbling points. Some good news is that some issues are ridiculously easy to fix compared with windows, but also have their quirks.


I switched on my usb printer and received a message telling me that the printer was identified and prompted me to install the driver. It correctly identified the model and offered me a choice of 2 drivers to install. I picked one and clicked ok. I was then prompted for my password. When I typed it in, nothing happened. I then realised that I was using an account that I had created after the installation had completed. It meant that the new user was not added to the printer admin group. I made the changed to the group membership and then my password was accepted. I know its quirky, but this would not happen with a normal install. Also, bear in mind that I didn't get prompted for disks or serial numbers or anything. So far its just been the single cd + automatic downloads off the internet. That includes installing Banshee & the mp3 codecs.


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