I have previously used iTunes to manage my podcasts. Don't do much downloading of songs as the iTunes store does not work in South Africa. iTunes main use for me is as a podcast/video podcast download mechanism and sync tool for my iPod. As such it does that one job fairly well.
My requirements for a linux tool are as follows.
1) Ability to maintain a list of podcast subscriptions and update them
2) Ability to painlessly sync the above to my iPod
3) If it can play music and tag it, as well, that's a bonus.
4) Import / Export .opml files for managing the podcasts feeds
The apps I intend checking out are in no particular order. Amarok, Banshee (old & new), Rhythmbox, Miro, Songbird, Exaile and gtkPod.
All of them are competent with their own individual strengths so I don't mean to praise one of them over another specifically. My choice will purely be as a reflection of my need to manage my podcasts, not my music.
I should consider looking at rss feed managers, but from what I've seen they don't specifically handle the ipods the way the media managers do. I'd of course, love to be proven wrong.